29 October 2010

MilSpouse Friday Fill-In 19

1. What’s the nicest thing a stranger has ever done for you?

When I was involved in a hit and run in 2007, two ladies circled the block to come and check on me. They also wrote down a description of the vehicle and its license plate number (Not that the Detroit Police gave a crap!). It was a busy street and they were the only ones to stop.

2. If you are having a hard time going to sleep, what do you do to help yourself?

Usually I'll just lay in bed until I fall asleep. Sometimes, I get up and surf the interwebz. If I really need to be up for something, I'll take some NyQuil.

3. Name something that makes you wish you were a kid again.

Expensive bills! Or student loans. When I think about my student loans, I want to curl up and die. Also, most holidays. The excitement just isn't the same as when I was very young.

4. What is something you never believed until you experienced it?

Hmmmmm...the love I feel for the Hubster. <3>

5. What can’t you say “no” to?

Chocolate, candy, anything sweet, Penny/Dexter, Hubster, and children.


  1. I have the same feeling about my student loans...I can't wait to have them paid off!

  2. Ugh, student loans. They are the bane of my existence!
