28 October 2010


My interests include: my husband, books, reading, Dexter (our cat), Penny (our puppy), cooking, Food Network, learning, trying new things, Chopin's Nocturnes, and thunderstorms.

My dislikes: having dirty/sticky hands, humidity, having big feet, plucking my eyebrows, flying, mussels, R&B, and most hot sauces.


As it turns out, our time at Ft. Gordon is coming to an end. The Hubster re-enlisted for Germany (as we had planned) and we're due to head there in early January. How exciting! I'm planning on chronicling our journey, both the actual journey and the metaphysical one. There is definitely going to be a lot to write!

I'm going to end this first entry with a quote:

"So, you have started to become obsessed with kitchen things and you hate wearing socks. Do you see where this is going?" -Hubster

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