03 November 2010

Nothing Special.

Today was pretty status quo: Hubster went to work and I did crap around the house. He only has two sets of winter PTs, so I have to do laundry every two days (GREAT). My day pretty much consisted of laundry.

Yesterday, I made an appointment to have my 5888 form filled out for EFMP (Exceptional Family Member Program). In a nutshell, that program is in place to make sure a service-member's family has the medical care they need available to them. If, for instance, I required some sort of therapy or specialist that wasn't available in Germany, the EFMP would cancel his orders to Germany and we'd be sent somewhere else. It's a pretty cool program. Not one that we'll ever have to be involved in (hopefully) but cool nonetheless.

I've decided that the class I am in currently (English 122) is, by far, the stupidest class in which I've ever been. Ever. It is a "beginner's class," obviously. The instructor in this class is more strict about rules and things than professors I had in my 300 and 400 level classes. Explain that to me.
In each of my classes at Ashford, I've been required to write an 8-10 page research paper. It's old hat by now and freaking easy. Not so in this stupid class. Each week, we have a written assignment pertaining to the measly 7-8 page paper we're going to have to write. Those written assignments are just baby steps to completing the final paper.
This is university-level work; do not spoon feed me and do not force me to do things "your way" or the way YOU think they should be done. I have a 3.86, I'm in the top 15% of my class, and I'm 9 credits away from having my BA, I'm pretty sure I know how to do this college thing. *sigh*


  1. Sometimes the college life is so frustrating, and unfortunately those mandatory, basic classes seem to be the childish ones. I had to take one of those for my degree here in Alaska, and it was definitely a class without any common sense. Oh well.
    Good luck with the class!! You're almost there!

  2. they need to start making exceptions for people. ie...you lol
