12 November 2010

Let's Ride!

I realize that I have been slacking in the blogging department. Shame on me! I have 11 followers now and am well on my way to becoming an Internet sensation. Yeah, right. As Hubster would say, I crack me up.

Since Hubster re-deployed, we have been single-handedly stimulating Augusta's economy. We bought a new car last weekend; a 2011 Ford Fiesta. It is a great car and we are definitely in love.

We also bought about $1,000 worth of mountain biking gear this weekend. A good hunk of that was spent on our bicycles, by the way. Those should last us for a couple of years. I don't know how often helmets need replacing, but those aren't too expensive. Gloves, on the other hand, can be pricey. Especially if you want good, high-quality ones. We got some (relatively) moderately-priced ones. Those were about $27/pair.

Yes, that's a lot of money on silly things. But you know what? We don't have kids and we're allowed to spend our money on silly things like video games and biking gloves. That's my favorite part of being married without children: you can do whatever you want and you'll always have someone to do it with!

Hubster got the idea for mountain biking while he was deployed. He said it sounded more fun than sitting around and playing video games. I jumped on this, so to speak, because:
  1. Who doesn't like riding a bike?
  2. Anytime he's willing to spend time doing something other than play that darn Xbox, I'm effing game.
  3. It sounds like a fun way to get my cardio in.
  4. Biking is a hobby we can get into together. And, heck, the more we have in common, the better our marriage will be. Common interests will keep things interesting as time goes on.
Today was our maiden voyage and oh, goodness. It was so much fun! I haven't ridden a bike just for the sake of riding a bike in YEARS. The same for Hubster. I was shocked at how quickly the mile-markers were flying by. In no time, we had biked 8 miles!

My thighs were burning oh-so-good and I could feel my heart rate increasing. Fall is in the air, so it was a nice 68-70* along the Augusta Canal. The day was perfect and I do believe that I have fallen in love with biking. Especially biking through nature. I don't honestly believe that urban biking will hold the same appeal for me.

Is that not the look of a woman in love?

Speaking of those $27 gloves, I am so glad I splurged and got them. My hands would have been dead after today. As it turns out, it's just my butt that is sore.


  1. That sounds like a lot of fun Slugger. I would mountain bike myself but I am afraid of alligators and old people, things this state has an abundance of. One has scaly skin and are frightening and the others are alligators.

  2. Hahaha. While we were riding, there was a sign that said "how to interact safely with alligators near Augusta Canal." :O

  3. lol yeah "how to interact safely with alligators...RUN!"

  4. Looks like alot of fun! Hubs and I used to live in Augusta too, Fort Gordon was our last duty station and I loved walking along the Canal and River walk. There are some great trails there and also on post back towards the riding stables and outdoor rec center. :)

  5. It is a lot of fun! The Riverwalk is very cool. This was our first visit to the Canal. I'm sure we'll be back! :D

  6. Hooray for biking! I wish I was summer right now, because if both of you were to come back I would join in on bike rides galore all over Michigan.

    It's been 60-ish degrees this whole week so I'm kind of taking it all in with bike riding before it gets insanely cold (which very may well happen tomorrow for all I know).

  7. I like biking. A lot. That's what I did at the gym when I went. And I like to do it in the community. But, my bike is really old and not good. It's not at all comfy. It hurts my butt. But, yes...biking is a great way to enjoy nature and exercise. And if you bring your camera, that's three birds with one stone.
