24 November 2010

Expecto Patronum

R and I went to see Harry Potter on Friday night. It was AWESOME and I loved it. The husband wasn't too impressed; he thought it was boring because they sat in a tent for most of the movie. Lol. It followed the book pretty much exactly, so I was a happy fan. I cried when Dobby died. :( Thankfully, R didn't notice. He usually doesn't pass up an opportunity to make fun of me.

It is hard for me to believe that Harry Potter Everything is coming to an end. I have been thinking about it and I have always had something HP related to look forward to since I became a fan (circa 2001). Books, of course, were always the most exciting. Now that the second-to-last film has been released, there is only ONE MORE HP event to expect. I really don't know how to handle that. It makes me sad.

In other news, preparations for Germany have pretty much some to a standstill. My tourist passport was updated and mailed to my mom's house (a lot sooner than I expected), so that is taken care of. Still waiting on my no-fee passport. But that's okay, it looks like we're going to be waiting on transportation, anyway.

R went to the Transportation Office to set up our move. "Not yet!" he was told, "You must inventory your belongings: HHG (household goods: crap we're taking with us), unaccompanied baggage (crap we're taking with us but will need immediately), and storage (crap we can't take: washer/dryer, etc). So, we did that. We also had to pick 3 dates for the 3 separate shipments to be packed/picked up. We also did that.

He returns to the Transportation Office (which is staffed with REAL gems. *rolls eyes*) and turns the sheets in. "These dates don't work! We don't even have an appointment for you to schedule your move until 10 December!" Yes, you read that right. R has to make an appointment to make an appointment.

This is not going to mesh well with our plans for PCS (permanent change of station) leave. We were planning on being in Michigan from 13 December until first week-ish of January. Looks like those plans are going to be blown to hell if the morons in Darling Hall have anything to do with it.

Never fear. We will still be home. Worst case, we drive up for Christmas/New Years and then have to come back here and wait on movers. On the bright side, this leave more time for my no-fee passport to get back to me.

Still, this crap makes me want to pull my hair out.


  1. Wait a while, re-read the books, re-watch the movies. Happiness all over again.

  2. Guess the glass is half full of shit then.

  3. I feel the same exact way. From how the movie was to how it's going to be finished in July. I've always been ready for it, but I haven't really been ready for it.

    We've grown up with it so it's like...now what do we do? I wish we could see the last movie together and just have a sob fest after-wards because yes, it will be that sappy. We will be that sappy, haha.

  4. "R" is much better. Muchos gracias.
    HP was pretty good. Too much Hermoine (idk how to spell it...I don't read the books). I'm not a huge fan of her. I had that same sadness when LOTR ended. I cried in the theater after Return of the King. Hopefully you guys can make it for CMB. Wouldn't be the same without you.

  5. We're going to try, for sure. But things are pretty much out of our hands.

  6. I still haven't gotten to see it yet, soon though. It will definitely be the end of an era.

    Maybe JK Rowling will grace us with some new Harry Potter gems ;)
